Monday, August 15, 2005

Myanmar Unicode

The new Burmese website,, launched just a few days before August 8, came up with full-fledged Myanmar Unicode. But I still don't know how they placed that character map on keyboard. And I believe they must have a tool to type that much on Previously, there was Myazedi who started Unicode project but left unfinished. The character map started at 1000 and ended at 109F. For html, 4096 to 4255 in base 10. I'm trying to make some tools to type in this Unicode or to convert text in CE or Win to Unicode format. The following are the characters in Unicode font "bit". I marked character "b" before unused place and dash "-" where necessary. You need to download and install "bit" font from this page to see the following. ကခ ဂ ဃင စ ဆ ဇဈ ဉညဋ ဌဍ ဎ ဏတထ ဒဓ န ပဖဗ ဘ မ ယ ရ လ ဝ သ ဟ ဠ အဢ ဣဤ ဥ ဦဧ ဨဩ ဪ bါ -ာ -ိ-ီ -ု -ူ -ေ -ဲ ဳ-- ဴ- -ဵ-ံ --့ --း -္ b် bျ bြbွ bှ bဿ ၀ ၁၂ ၃ ၄၅ ၆ ၇ ၈၉ ၊ ။ ၌ ၍ ၎ ၏ ၐ ၑ ၒ ၓ ၔ ၕ ၖ ၗ -ၘ -ၙ bၚ bၛ bၜ -ၝ -ၞ -ၟ -ၠ -ၡ -ၢ -ၣ -ၤ -ၥ -ၦ -ၧ -ၨ -ၩ -ၪ -ၫ -ၬ -ၭ -ၮ -ၯ -ၰ -ၱ -ၲ -ၳ -ၴ -ၵ -ၶ -ၷ -ၸ -ၹ -ၺ -ၻ bၼ -ၽ -ၾ -ၿ -ႀ -ႁ -ႂ -ႃ -ႄ -ႅ -ႆ -ႇ -ႈ -ႉ -ႊ -ႋ -ႌ -ႍ -ႎ -ႏ ႐-- ႑- ႒-- ႓- ႔-- ႕- -႖ -႗ -႘ -႙ -ႚ -ႛ -ႜ -ႝ -႞ -႟ Technorati Tags: ,

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