I think, I should say Mr. Gambari's work was no that bad as I said in my previous post. He could manage to see Daw Aund San Suu Kyi and other NLD leaders in the end. And whit his effort, Daw Aund San Suu Kyi and her NLD party leaders could hold a meeting. Although, their meeting got no privacy since it was held at SPDC's guest house, it was really big improvement I should say.
But, you know, we, Burmese people dare not expect much for we cannot trust in this SPDC. SPDC was never sincere at all. They would use all tricks they have to delay and finally to die out the national reconciliation process.
By the way, there was a small protest happened at Yangon two days ago. The protectors brought posters of Than Shwe's picture wearing woman panties. When the riot police arrived they fled away, according to news.
.Note: I wrote this yesterday. I couldn't post due to phone line problem.But, you know, we, Burmese people dare not expect much for we cannot trust in this SPDC. SPDC was never sincere at all. They would use all tricks they have to delay and finally to die out the national reconciliation process.
By the way, there was a small protest happened at Yangon two days ago. The protectors brought posters of Than Shwe's picture wearing woman panties. When the riot police arrived they fled away, according to news.
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