A colleague of mine asked me for she cannot access “folder option” on her laptop. Yes, of coz, some kind of virus disabled that option. There, I installed my favorite antivirus, Avast, and killed many viruses after boot scan. You know, even though no virus left on that system, you need to repair those control options which virus had disabled. I searched for some easy solution on web and found this little program called RRT.exe. Wow, it’s awesome!!! It checks the system for everything needed to be fixed. And you can select the options to fix instantly. I gave it to some other friends who need it, they were so happy after using it. Folder options, Registery regedit, task manager, hidden files/ filder, run, IE homepage, System files, show desktop, file extension and many many more can be fixed. You can dl it from www.sergiwa.com.
Via raymond
Via raymond
Remove Restrictions Tool
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