The damn SPDC and their business partners were screwed. they got more sanctions. How could they monopolize the whole country's economy. all the big companies are theirs. All business are under the army owned company what they call myanmar holding. If you want to run a big business here, you gotta partner with them. All rich people here are those of damn SPDC or their business partners. Those business partners screwed the people of burma they suck Burma until dry and they share all those wealth with army dogs. Look at soe win, he is having fun in hell now. He orchestrated the massacre at depaeyin. ooohhhhh... those dogs. Than shwe and mg aye and all of you with army uniforms and ur partners . you will go to hell like Ne Win did. Ohhh come on am i so rude today.
Bad_Guy1TayZa.pdf ()
Bad_Guy1TayZa.pdf ()
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