Wednesday, November 14, 2007

important activists were detained

I don't want to write any more sad news about Burma. But all news about Burma is sad. Mr. Gambari just went back a few days ago and Mr. Pinheiro is still here. But two important activists were detained yesterday. One activist is a leading monk of September uprising, Ashin Gambirha. And another one is (Ma) Su Su Nwae, a brave lady from NLD party who stood strongly against force laboring and one of the leaders in August walking movement.
 As I wrote in my previous post, SPDC's meeting with Mr. Gambari and Daw Aung San Suu Kyi was just a façade. They will drag this process slowly and slowly just to reduce the international pressure. If they really want national reconciliation, they should release Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and other political prisoners. The National constitution they wrote was without the participation of elected representatives. If their constitution is once approved, about 80 percent of votes at parliament will be from army so that the total power will be in the hands of army, not in people's hands.
 By the way, in my previous post, Sophie Lwin left a comment requesting to support their new campaign called They are the group who created the website after September uprising. To make sure the world doesn't forget get active, submit a photo of support to this site, join the Facebook group and find a local activist organization via index.php?option=com _glossary&Itemid=113

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