Unforgettable 19 July
Today is the Martyrs day of Burma. Sixty years ago, on July 19 1974, General Aung San and six of his cabinet members were assassinated during the Executive Council meeting. The whole country lamented the death of founding father of Burma. General Aung San was the one who could save the independence of a country and he was just 32 years old when he was assassinated.
Martyrs are
1. General Aung San,
2. Mai Pun Saw-Bwar Gyi Sao San Tun,
3. Mann Ba Khaing,
4. Takhin Mya,
5. U Razak,
6. U Ba Win (Elder brother of Aung San), and
7. Dedoke U Ba Cho,
8. Ministry secretary U Ohn Maung and
9. body guard of U Razak, Ye Baw Ko Twe
Nowadays, Burmese military dictator is trying to ignore this day although General Aung San was also the founder of Burmese Army. However hard SPDC tried to fade this day, I found many post showing their respect on Martyrs around Burmese blogosphere, this year.
With great respect to the Martyrs,
Eccentric Ghost
recommended link: 19th-july-martyrs-day
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