The following video clip shows the high performance takeoff of an airliner. Normally airliners do not takeoff like that. Of coz, obviously, passengers will be frightened. But airliner’s structures do not allow this also. With full load, there could be structural failure.
In this video, they are just demonstrating takeoff I think. Fighter aircrafts used to takeoff with such steep pitch angle. But, airliners cannot do this because of its tail location. So, this plane took off normally. It continued with horizontal flight for a few seconds. And then… wow!!!!!
The owner of this video didn’t give information of this aircraft. So, I searched for this. In the video, the airline is Eurowings. There, I found that, the a/c is Airbus A319-112.
Here are some links I found.
Airbus A319 information page.
Eurowings Airbus A319-112 photo
Eurowings images
Photo: F-18 takeoff suddenly with very steep climb angle.
Technorati Tags: video, youtube, aircraft, airliner, airplane
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