First blogger is Swan Bros .
Make Banks Pay for Your Credit Card
Swan bros said, "The money I earn from banks by using this credit card is more than the annual fees I have to pay."
(I don't want to quote much here coz it is hard to tell you what the main point is from a few quotes. But the title is self-explaining.!!!)
Next post by Swanbros is:
Don’t Let The Banks Rob You. Yes, don't let the banks rob you.
Another blogger I want to highlight is Moe Moe.
I had highlighted her blog before. now this is another hit.
There's stains on my tshirt and I'm a mess..
hamm... I don't know what this title means. :) But I can assure you that this post will leave you with some thoughts.
From the post:
But I was looking at this girl's website and she is 15. She was posing like she was on Play boy, all 50 pictures of her. And I was sitting there, looking at her scantily clad clothes that she wore to parties - wow - did I do that when I was living in Torrance, California? - Dude, but I was 21 then - this girl is 15! 15! I didn't know what to do, or think. I wanted to cover her up and tell her, dude, you got to respect yourself.
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